

Being yourself is probably one of the hardest things to do in today’s society. There’s an image to fit in; and not enough people fully express themselves. I know many people have suffered from ;fitting in; and becoming sick physically and mentally, I’ve seen people struggle so badly because they’ve been bullied or not been able to be themselves fully because of society. But one of the most important things in life is to be yourself, that’s they way to fit in, it’s not about having 100 friends, it’s about having the most valuable, loving and respectful friends, who let you be yourself and embrace it. I know from personal experience i’m not one of the most popular people, but one thing is for sure I have the most supportive, care-free, loving and kindest friends who allow me to be my true self. Being yourself doesn’t mean you aren’t perfect, being yourself means you are perfect, I’ve gone through years only to experience this, and I wish I could have known this a long time ago! I used to tell myself I don’t fit in; i have no friends, I’m not like anybody else, I’m not pretty enough because of my skin, and i don’t have an attractive figure like the other people. But what I’ve learn’t to realise is that people who truly care about you don’t worry about any of those things, they embrace you for who you are. Your true friends love you for who you are, not what you look like. Yes you can have surgery, or cover up with tons and tons of makeup, you can take medication for your skin, but underneath you are still the same person! I’ve learnt to accept what i look like, and realised how many friends i have who care, make me happy, and embrace me for who i am and not what i look like. If you start to accept yourself and love yourself, you realise that there are the greatest things in life, you attract the most amazing people who encourage you to be yourself, who encourage you to succeed. If you listen to people who start commenting on your appearance and think it is okay to judge it isn’t. They are the people who have insecurities within themselves, who want to drag you right down, when in reality they shouldn’t be. But you shouldn’t have to listen to them, you shouldn’t struggle because of nasty comments, you should embrace who you are, and stand up to them, because it’s them losing out and not you! I wish i could have learnt and realise this a long time ago!